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Razgovor s korisnikom:BaseBot

Sadržaj stranice nije podržan na drugim jezicima.
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Izvor: Wikivijesti
Najnoviji komentar: Edinwiki, prije 11 godina

The bot has been blocked because it has no bot flag on -- Edinwiki (razgovor) 17:39, 1 juni 2013 (KSV)Odgovori

Hi. Just noticed this block. What is wiki's bot policy and how can i request a bot flag? --Base (razgovor) 19:08, 16 oktobar 2013 (KSV)Odgovori
The policy in general is that before doing any edits you first request a bot flag and indicate what exactly you want to do with your bot. When the task is approved, you can usually do some test edits and then, if everything went well, the bot flag can be granted. -- Edinwiki (razgovor) 09:09, 17 oktobar 2013 (KSV)Odgovori