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Razgovor s korisnikom:CERminator

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Izvor: Wikivijesti
Dobrodošli na Wikivijesti, CERminator!

Prvi koraci

Stranica za pomoć i FAQ će vam jako pomoći nakon registracije. One objašnjavaju kako koristiti Wikivijesti, kako uređivati članke i kako članci trebaju izgledati. Ne trebate imati nikakva znanja da bi doprinosili Wikivijestima. Slobodno radite na Wikivijestima i razgovarajte sa drugima. Ovo je wiki - sve je jednostavno.


Više informacija je dostupno na Redakciji. Tamo možete ostaviti svoje pitanje na koje će zajednica jako brzo odgovoriti. Možete kontaktirati i administratore ako imate neko specifično pitanje.

Savjeti i trikovi
Još pitanja?
  • Vodite računa o autorskim pravima prilikom pisanja članaka. Članci koji krše autorska prava će biti obrisani.
  • Uključite se u Wikitimove i radite sa drugima!
  • Upišite se u Wiki kartu, tako da i drugi znaju gdje živite.
(P.S. Imate primjedbi ili komentara na ovu poruku? Ostavite poruku na čaršiju.)
(P.S. You don´t speak bosnian? Feel free to contact us on our Village pump.)
Vernes 00:43, 22 februar 2008 (UTC)

Je li ovaj naslov u redu ili je do mene ;)? Pozdrav. --Elmir[demicx] 20:49, 21 mart 2008 (UTC)

Interview with Åse Kleveland


The English Wikinews is going to be organizing an interview with the former Norwegian Culture Minister Åse Kleveland. She was also the head of the Swedish Film Institute and is now the chairwoman of the Norwegian Humanist Association. I am asking Wikinewsies across Europe to contribute questions to her upcoming interview with Wikinews in Oslo. The page is here; please leave questions there and comments to me either on my en.wikinews talk page or my en.wikipedia talk page. Thank you very much! Mike Halterman 05:54, 2 juli 2008 (UTC)

LOL --WizardOfOz 10:16, 31 oktobar 2010 (KSV)Odgovori
Jel ovaj sablon zavrseno dodaje automatski vrijeme? da ne moram svaki put sam stavljati. --WizardOfOz 10:44, 31 oktobar 2010 (KSV)Odgovori
nemam na tastaturi, jel ima negdje u alatima? zaboravi nas´o sam. --WizardOfOz 10:49, 31 oktobar 2010 (KSV)Odgovori
gledao sam na zbog kategorije, tamo je juzna :) --WizardOfOz 11:01, 31 oktobar 2010 (KSV)Odgovori

Ja sam zatrazio vec na meti privremeno. trebao bih dobiti za kojih pola sata jer nema ni jednog stjuarta. treba izmjeniti glavnu, jos stoji obama. --WizardOfOz 11:05, 31 oktobar 2010 (KSV)Odgovori

Dobio sam vec. Dungo mi je dao. Aj dodji na FB na čat. --WizardOfOz 11:18, 31 oktobar 2010 (KSV)Odgovori
OK Mahlzeit! :) --WizardOfOz 11:23, 31 oktobar 2010 (KSV)Odgovori
eh jbga... ode vracati --WizardOfOz 12:17, 1 novembar 2010 (KSV)Odgovori
Zato sto su bila samo privremeno. Stalna mora Demicx dati. I onako bi istekla 1.12. --WizardOfOz talk 12:23, 28 novembar 2010 (KSV)Odgovori

The Wikinewsie Group


Hi. I apologize for not writing in Bosnian. If you have not seen meta:The Wikinewsie Group, please consider taking a look and signing up as a supporter of the organization's creation. It might be very beneficial for any Bosnian speaking Wikinews contributors. We are planning to have a meeting in the first week or two of May. If you sign up, please visit meta:The Wikinewsie Group/Meetings and indicate which time works best for you. --LauraHale (razgovor) 01:47, 21 april 2013 (KSV)Odgovori

Your administrator status on the bs.wikinews


Hello. A policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, etc.) was adopted by community consensus in 2013. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing activity on wikis with no inactivity policy.

You meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no log actions for 2 years) on the wiki listed above. Since that wiki does not have its own rights review process, the global one applies.

If you want to keep your rights, you should inform the community of the wiki about the fact that the stewards have sent you this information about your inactivity. If the community has a discussion about it and then wants you to keep your rights, please contact the stewards at m:Stewards' noticeboard, and link to the discussion of the local community, where they express their wish to continue to maintain the rights.

If you wish to resign your rights, you can reply here or request removal of your rights on Meta.

If there is no response at all after approximately one month, stewards will proceed to remove your administrator and/or bureaucrat rights. In ambiguous cases, stewards will evaluate the responses and will refer a decision back to the local community for their comment and review. If you have any questions, please contact the stewards. Matiia (razgovor) 22:11, 25 mart 2017 (KSV)Odgovori

Removed. Matiia (razgovor) 02:51, 13 juni 2017 (KSV)Odgovori